What is Positive Psychology?
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology centred on building your character strengths and behaviours to support you in moving beyond surviving to flourishing, by building a life of meaning and purpose. Research is aimed at identifying the elements and processes that lead to meaningful life satisfaction and well-being in the various human domains.
Comprehensive Positive Psychology Courses & Workshops for Youth
Our youth courses and workshops are based on the most comprehensive positive psychology programs in Australia developed by leading experts in the field. Our extensive positive psychology services teach a range of science-based, effective strategies to significantly improve youth wellbeing, incorporating up to date insights from the field.
Grow your Key Youth Wellbeing Domains
Our positive psychology services teach youth how to operate from a strength perspective and significantly improve their autonomy by addressing key wellbeing domains: social-emotional management, growth mindset, values, self-acceptance, strengths, resilience, positive relationships, achievement and more.

Great Benefits of Positive Psychology for Youth
Applied Positive Psychology will help you excel in nurturing a better and stronger you! So you wake up daily deeply motivated about your day, personal life, academic life, relationships, purpose and more.
Our Positive Psychology Services Can Help You Learn:
- How to build positive, meaningful change in a range of real life contexts
- How to confidently apply positive psychology principles to your life (personal, school life, emotions, habits, relationships, health, lifestyle, religion and more) and evaluate these experiences
- Different strategies to enhance and promote wellbeing and optimal functioning, and important factors that comprise sustained behavioural change.
- How to operate from a strengths perspective and improve your wellbeing in these key 8 areas: social-emotional management, growth mindset, values, self-acceptance, strengths, resilience, positive relationships, achievement & more.
Deep Learning
Positive psychology is based on scientific understanding of how humans flourish through positive psychology.
Positive psychology principles can be applied to all areas of life – personal, school, emotions, habits, relationships, health, future career, lifestyle, religion and more.
Life Changing
Positive psychology helps youth build positive, meaningful change in a range of real life contexts
Greater Wellbeing
Positive psychology enhances and promotes youth wellbeing and optimal functioning, and important factors that lead to sustained behavioural change